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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thing #11.5 Evaluation

1. My favorite was the screencasting. So easy and straightforward, so cool.

2. As far as achieving any lifelong learning goals, I can’t say that I did. I was already familiar with a lot of this technology. I have been doing and promoting technology in the school for a long time, and this was just business as usual.

3. No unexpected outcomes. Sorry. But I still love and use Big Huge Labs and Vokis.

4. This list of things was not as involved as Library 2 Play #1. With the first, you had to spend a lot of time reading and sampling, and then doing the assignment. This list was much more streamlined. You could wade into the material and start working with it right away. I appreciated that, especially since time was so limited to work on it. To be able to get up and running and working on the assignment was welcome. I would not do anything differently

Virtual worlds was one of my least favorites to try to think of ways that it could be used by my less sophisticated population. It was so “young adult.” As an adult I did enjoy exploring it, but as an elementary educator I felt it was for the most part a waste of time for me.

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